
  1.  You have time to talk with fellow fans and be able to hear them.
  2. You can contemplate the weather without missing much.
  3. There is no “rush hour” at the toilets.
  4. My team does not need to brutalize an opposing player in order to win.
  5. Concussions are rare . . . as is aged dementia among retirees.
  6. You can actually enjoy the play of the other team – “nice catch. . .”, etc.
  7. Games have a nice, slow tempo. . . relaxing.
  8. Because even the best teams lose 40% of their games, you can sit back and take it all in without feeling that your city is worth less than the other city, without feeling downhearted and depressed.
  9. Because we play 162 games you can always feel like “there’s always tomorrow”.
  10.  God bless Mr. Doubleday.